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How is Pure Gold Made and Refined?

How is Pure Gold Made and Refined?

GOLD REFINING VIDEO:Have you ever asked, How is pure gold made and refined? Get the full history and 'making of' info right here! Where does all Earth's gold come from? During the formation of Earth, molten iron sank to its centre to make the core. This took with it...

2020 Was a Banner Year for Gold

2020 Was a Banner Year for Gold

A Banner Year for GoldPhotos Courtesy of Bank of England Flicker Page2020 was a banner year for gold, hitting a new record high of $2,070 an ounce in August, as investors sought a reliable store of value in the face of unprecedented money-printing. The price of gold...

Refining Gold Into Bullion Bars & Coins

Refining Gold Into Bullion Bars & Coins

GOLD COIN VIDEO:Refining Gold into Bullion Bars and into Gold Coins, from Ground to Market: Have you ever asked, where do Gold Bars and Gold Coins come from? Refining Gold: Making Gold Bars and Coins A gold coin is a coin that is made mostly or entirely of gold. Most...

JPMorgan Tops Gold Market $1 Billion

JPMorgan Tops Gold Market $1 Billion

VIDEO: Rare Look Inside Bank Gold VaultHow did JPMorgan Top the Gold Market with a Record $1 Billion in Income? COVID has been a win-fall for investment banks managing gold, silver and other valuable metals by setting off enormous financial backer buys and breaking...

What Does One Tonne of Gold Look Like?

What Does One Tonne of Gold Look Like?

GOLD VIDEO:What Does One Tonne of Gold look like and how is it used? A total of 197,576 tonnes of gold exists above ground, as of 2019. This is equal to a cube with each side measuring roughly 21.7 meters. The world consumption of new gold produced is about 50% in...

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Arcturus Ventures Group provides creative consulting services for project funding
Arcturus Ventures Group provides creative consulting services for business finance and project funding
How is Pure Gold Made and Refined?
2020 Was a Banner Year for Gold
Refining Gold Into Bullion Bars & Coins
JPMorgan Tops Gold Market $1 Billion
What Does One Tonne of Gold Look Like?